?> Frequently Asked Questions – International Student Education

Q: How can I apply to become a Homestay?

A: You can fill out the following forms and return them to our office.

1. Application
2. Criminal Record Check – Access Code: UQ4T7XXBHE

Q: Who is responsible for the Homestay Program?

A: The Homestay Coordinator is responsible. She:

  • ensures a successful placement for each student.
  • provides a thorough homestay orientation, using an interpreter if necessary
  • meets regularly with the student at school to monitor his/her happiness and well-being
  • ensures prompt correspondence with natural parent(s) when required.

Q: How do we assure quality homestays?

A: We screen very carefully, including references, a criminal record check, an interview, and an in-home inspection.

Q: How do we choose a homestay when a student applies?

A: We make every effort to match students with families who have similar interests and a family structure that we think best suits the student’s needs.

Q: What happens if the homestay match is not compatible?

A: Concerns are addressed immediately by the Homestay Coordinator through consultation with the student and the family. If all issues cannot be resolved, the Homestay Coordinator chooses a new match. The student meets the new family before making a final choice.

Q: How do we support the student and the homestay family?

A: The Homestay Coordinator meets weekly at the schools with all homestay students. She is also readily available by telephone after school and on weekends to address student or homestay family concerns.

  • Homestay Contacts

  • Kelly Muir – kelly.muir@sd68.bc.ca

  • Advantages of Living With a Homestay Family

  • Advantages Families participate in typical Canadian recreational pastimes on weekends, and students who live with families have t [...]