?> Program Rules – International Student Education

What I am agreeing to:

I agree that as a condition of participating in the School District’s International Programs that my child must:

  1. comply with the laws of Canada and British Columbia;
  2. comply with the School and School District Rules, Policies and Code of Conduct;
    c. comply with the School District Network and Internet Appropriate Use and Privately Owned Electronic Devices Appropriate Use policies;
    d. comply with the terms of this International Student Agreement;
    e. not buy alcoholic beverages or drugs, either for their own use or for other people;
    f. not possess or consume drugs or alcoholic beverages;
    g. not drive a motor vehicle;
    h. comply with all Homestay terms set out in this Agreement and obey family rules and show respect for members of the Homestay family;
    i. not change Homestay arrangements without the consent of the District Principal of the International Student Education program;
    j. attend all registered classes in the International Program, unless unable by reason of illness or injury to do so and provide a note from a Parent, guardian or Homestay family for any absences;
    k. not withdraw from courses without consent of school officials, and may not substitute online courses for the equivalent in-class course;
    l. complete homework as assigned;
    m. maintain at least a 60% average in studies;
    n. not travel outside of Nanaimo overnight unless accompanied by an adult of at least 25 years of age or as part of the International Program;
    o. obtain written permission from ISE Program staff for overnight trips outside of Nanaimo;
    p. maintain an up-to-date Citizenship and Immigration Canada Study Permit;
    q. depart from Canada on June 30th at the latest, unless private arrangements have been made for homestay accommodation for a later July departure. The signature below indicates that the natural parent absolves School District 68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith) and its employees of all responsibility for the student after June 30th until the student’s late August arrival in Nanaimo and return to the homestay for the new school year.

Infraction of any of the above rules may result in dismissal from the International Student Education Program, immediate return to the home country at the expense of the student, and notification to Immigration Canada.

Information about the Student Discipline Procedures can be obtained by contacting the District Principal–International Education.

  • Refund Policy

  • 1.  In the event that my child does not come to Canada or decides not to attend or to leave the School District’s International [...]