?> Learning English in High School – International Student Education

No English Requirements

Acceptance is not dependent on English proficiency

English Language Learners (ELL), Secondary School

An individual program is developed to reach students depending on English language skills, and classes in English Language are provided as required. Initially students may spend up to half of their school day in ELL classes, with the remainder of the day in courses with their Canadian peers.

An International Student in the Nanaimo-Ladysmith School District learns English in many manners:

  • in formal ELL classes
  • socializing with Canadian students
  • in a homestay with a Canadian family
  • in elective classes with Canadian peers where there is much interaction among students
  • in academic classes with Canadian peers where there are demands for reading and writing
  • in English Literature and Composition 10, an academic English bridging course
  • in Communications 11 and 12, emphasizing grammar and technical skills of writing
  • in English 10, 11, and 12, preparation for university entrance
  • Advantages of Living With a Homestay Family

  • Advantages Families participate in typical Canadian recreational pastimes on weekends, and students who live with families have t [...]